Friends at Home Volunteers FACTS
(9th - 12th Graders)


Q: What is the Friends at Home program?
A: An opportunity for volunteers to have fun and develop meaningful friendships with children with disabilities through weekly home visits. These visits often become the highlight of your buddy’s week!

Q: What is the requirement?
A: Commit to visit your buddy once a week throughout the school year, be consistent, arrive on time and have fun! We understand that occasionally you will need to cancel or reschedule, we just ask that you be responsible and communicate this to your buddy’s parents in advance.

Q: How are the matches made?
A: After you have registered as Friends at Home volunteer the Friends at Home coordinator will contact you to schedule a time to meet.  At the meeting we go through everything that you need to know, what is expected of you and to answer all questions. Some of the things taken into consideration when creating a match are; geographical location, interests, gender, as well as personalities and needs. It could take a couple of weeks before the best match is found for you.

Q: What type of activities can I do with my Friends at Home buddy?
A: You will receive some general information about your buddy and as you get to know them and their interests you can decide together on activities. You may also find it helpful to get input from your buddy’s parent. If you ever find yourself looking for activity ideas to do with your buddy please do not hesitate to reach out to the Friends at Home coordinator or any of the Friendship Circle staff. The main thing is to have fun and be yourself!

  • Important:
    There is NO screen time or texting while you are with your buddy. We have this rule in place so that you can connect with your buddy and form a true friendship.

  • You may not post pictures of your buddy on any form of social media. We would love however for you to send them to us.

  • Your buddy’s parent must always be at home while you are visiting.