Volunteering for OUR Community: Monthly Programs Holiday Celebrations & Bday Parties
(9th - 12th Graders)
Q: What are the monthly programs?
A: Each month is dedicated to a specific "tikum olam" project where our volunteers give back to the community. For example, volunteers will work with seniors to create a gorgeous flower bouquet or pack winter hats for children a shelter. These events are open to all of the Friendship Circle participants, where volunteers will mingle with like minded teens and individuals with special needs, as one inclusive group.
Events around the Jewish holiday will focus on the Jewish holiday, include our favorite Jewish foods (think jelly donuts and latkes!), music and loads of fun!
We may also celebrate a birthday of an individual with special needs at a local venue with cake, gifts and lots of friends!
Q: When and where are monthly programs?
A: One-two Sundays per month, typically from 3:30-5:00pm. Location and venue changes each month. A calendar for the year will be distributed at orientation. In addition, look out for the email with details and updates sent prior to each event.
Q: What is the requirement?
A: Volunteer as often as you are able to! Remember, the more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it. Plus, all our teens LOVE coming- just ask your friends! You are not required to volunteer for every date- but you are required to come to once you committed to- see next question. Arrive on time and be present during the event. Come with a good attitude, ready to have a blast!
Q: How do I sign up for each program.
A: One week before each program you will receive an email with a link to sign up. You can view the venue, location and details of the upcoming event. Use the comment box to share your excitement!
Q: Does this qualify as volunteer hours for my school or other programs?
A: YES. Reach out to Chanie to sign your paperwork.
There is NO texting or using your cell phone while you are with your buddy. We have this rule in place so that you can connect with your buddy and have a great time together.