Take a few minuted to read through these commonly asked questions and you might just find some answers to your questions!
Can I volunteer for more than one program? Yes! All volunteers are encouraged to participate in all programs and events. Remember the more involved you are, the more you will get out of it!
Are the group programs (monthly programs, holiday events, birthday parties) just for volunteers or are they inclusive? Inclusive. All events are inclusive, with the only exception: volunteer orientations twice a year.
For friends at home, do I volunteer alone? No. You are paired with a co-volunteer. You must both be present during all visits. Two volunteers are paired with one "buddy" - an individual with special needs.
How often are friends at home visits? Who decides the time and day of our visit? Every week. You, your co-volunteer and buddy will choose the best time and day for your visit. You MUST be consistent with your visits every single week. Volunteers who are inconsistent will be asked to step down.
Do Friendship Circle programs run through the summer? No. We break over the summer and resume in September.
Still have questions? Contact [email protected]
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